Mrs. Rice's Fifth Grade Class 2017-2018

Mrs. Rice's  Fifth Grade Class 2017-2018

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27

What a busy month February has been! Hopefully March will bring some warmer weather. This is what we have been up to in fourth grade:
  • Social Studies- We finished up the American Revolution unit. I was very pleased with the student's performance on their assessments. The class also completed their mythology projects, which were displayed in the main hall. We received several compliments on the quality of work of the tri-fold displays from many teachers. We will be starting up an electricity unit in science next week.
  • Language Arts- We continue to work on figurative language. This week, the class learned about personification, and reviewed similes and metaphors. We have also been talking about the structure and features of different forms of writing (prose, poems, and plays). The class has been practicing plays in small groups to present to their peers. We will begin a literature circle next week for the book Hoot. The class has been practicing writing essays. We have been reviewing main idea, author's purpose, and theme.
  • Math- We finished up our first unit on fractions. We have started a new unit which focuses on adding fractions with like denominators, and simplifying. The class has been working on multi-step word problems every morning. We also cycled through math stations twice this week.
  • Other News- Please send in a safe snack for the month of March.
Thank you for your continued support! Have a great weekend!