Mrs. Rice's Fifth Grade Class 2017-2018

Mrs. Rice's  Fifth Grade Class 2017-2018

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spring is in the Air!

With ELA and math testing behind us, we have started up some new projects in fourth grade, and have been working very hard! This is what we have been up to:

  • We had a great trip to the Huyck Preserve yesterday! The kids caught crayfish in the creek, and marked them with nail polish. The researchers at the Huyck Preserve are studying an invasive species of crayfish, and use the kid's findings in their study. The class also had a presentation from a wildlife rehabilitation expert. The class got to see and learn about 2 different hawks, an owl, a weasel, a Snapping Turtle, and a Box Turtle. 
  • Students have been working in groups on designing and building bridges made out of toothpicks. Each group has a $1,000 budget, and must plan their bridge accordingly. Groups must write checks, balance check books, and work together. The bridges are off to a great start!
  • Last week we studied the Erie Canal in preparation for NYS Day, and our cruise on the Dutch Apple. Students learned about Dewitt Clinton, and the reasons why the canal was built. They also learned how the canal was built, and about inventions created to make building the canal easier. We studied some old photos of the canal and made inferences.
  • We have been learning about simple machines in science. The class is also reviewing for our NYS science test which will be in June.
  • We just started a new literature circle that is aligned the with the Industrial Revolution, which we will be studying in social studies. Students chose which book they preferred, and have been reading the books here at school either with a partner, or teacher. Then, the class has been summarizing what they have read in the form of a graphic novel (comic).
  • In math, we have been learning about decimals. We spent time this week finding and placing decimals on the number line. We also spent time working in our bridge groups. We will continue working with decimals, and then will move on to measurement.
Thank you for checking in!